Vertical storage

Auction details
Auction ends24 September 2019 10:27:09 CEST
Time left1569313629 Auction finished!
Minimum bid raise5,00 €
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Article details
Machine typeVertical storage
Article number16014
Additional Information

* inkl. Plattentransportwagen
* ohne Plattenmaterial und sonstigem Zubehör

Demontage und Verladung müssen durch den Käufer erfolgen.

=== English ===
* incl. panel transport cart
* without panel material and accessories

Dismantling and loading must be done by the buyer.

Technical specifications
Number of separations
Tray width
400 mm
Suitable for
Space required Length
5.000 mm
Space required Width
3.500 mm
Space required Height
1.900 mm