Panel rack

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Auction ends9 April 2024 11:09:51 CEST
Time left1712653791 Auction finished!
Minimum bid raise5,00 €
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Machine typePanel rack
Article number207504
Additional Information

Racks for the vertical storing of boards, as following:
* 1 rack (grey) in corner arrangement for the storing of bigsized boards of 4.5 m in length and 2.4 m in height and for the storing of cutted pieces in smaller compartments, required space (depth x width x height in mm) 4,500 x 2,400 x 2,600
* 1 rack (green) consisting of 5 rows of L-shaped stands, required space (depth x width x height in mm) 3,000 x 2,500 x 1,600

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